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Harefield Parkwood House

Harefield Parkwood House.png

Client: Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust

Value: £3.3m - £10.5m

Procurement Route: Traditional

Architect: Goldstein Heather

Structural Engineers: Civic Engineers

Services Engineers: Meplar Engineering

Role: Cost & Project Management

Sector: Healthcare


The building was constructed during the early 90’s to provide accommodation for patient’s and relatives awaiting transplant surgery at the Harefield Hospital. Metrum consulting LLP were appointed to manage and participate in a feasibility study to consider the potential options for providing this ongoing service to the Hospital.

Parkwood House is dated and has suffered as a result of minimal maintenance, and it is anticipated that it will not meet forthcoming changes in regulations. The primary purpose of this study was to consider how the building’s overall energy performance could be improved through the introduction of renewable energy sources, upgraded insulation along with enhancements to the external appearance, internal facilities, dedicated access, and increased occupancy. The team considered various proposals, resulting in 3 options, these included demolition and replacement, refurbishment with extensions and limited refurbishment works.

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